
Saturday 17 January 2015

Toilet Behaviour

I was so pleased that last year around James' 3rd birthday he was completely dry and wanting to use his potty.

With both boys it has always been on their terms and when they have been ready.

James was confident and took to using it very quickly. In doing so I used positive reinforcement and praised him at every opportunity.

However his behaviour has changed in the last 4 months. I have thought it was just a phase but it doesn't seem to have stopped and has become more of a habitual point.

James wants to use the potty, is confident in doing so but subsequently he will use it anywhere and more often than not in the most inconvenient places!

You'll find him on the potty in the weirdest places.

He'll be caught by the front door, on the stairs, perched on the sofa and even outside in the garden.

Why is this?

I have no real idea, he just finds the most unusual place and decides that this will be the place to go!

A couple of months back I tried to change his behaviour from this and moved the potty to a permanent place next to the toilet; with the hope that he would associate going with the particular place.

My thinking made me hope, at least, that transference to the actual toilet a smoother transition.

However since then his unusual places have increased.

Did I push him too far too quickly? I honestly don't know.

I haven't and won't stop him from feeling comfortable using it. I have also explained that it's not always and appropriate place to 'go'; I have also tried reinforcing a positive response and praise scheme if he goes in the toilet. Yet this hasn't tempted him to do it.

So what do I do?

Is this a normal response for a child? Do you have any tips or advice to help this transition? Should I be firmer in what I expect from him now?

Would love to hear your response; as I'm currently running out of ideas to battle this!


  1. I don't think it's anything to worry about at the moment....He is at least using it willingly! I would just take the potty back to the bathroom whenever it leaves that room and hope he starts using it in there....He's still only young and sounds like he's doing great with the whole toilet training...It will probably be something he soon grows out of...Our children do like to keep us on our toes...hehehe x

    1. Thanks Kim! They sure do! James is a weird the best kind of ways and nothing like his brother but I only have what William did as experience. So he is definitely pushing my parenting buttons!!

  2. Great that he's using the potty. Libby started to use the toilet straight away instead of the potty so we haven't had too many problems, I don't know whether it is worth trying him on the toilet? So individual to the child isn't it? I hope you get it sorted.x

    1. Thanks Natalie! It is independent to every child. The fact he already is using it is half the battle. I think I'll try suggesting that he just uses the toilet.

  3. Oh gosh this just reminds me that at some point I will have to potty train Rose. I have no advice to offer Martyn other than I barely remember how things went with Lewis and Holly it was so long ago, so I guess I'm trying to say-eventually he'll just get the hang of it and it will just turn into one of those funny things he used to do!

    1. Thanks Amy! I'm guessing that is about it really! I'm hoping it'll just eventually stop and he'll get over it! Lol well I'm hoping that at least!

  4. Martyn I can't even begin to offer advice on potty training boys, but with my daughter we used a "sticker" system. She loved stickers and I made her a chart and everytime she "pottied" in her toilet she got to place a sticker on her chart. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for commenting Gary! I did that to get him to use the potty and worked a treat. It's now more of either getting him to use it the 'right' way or at least getting him to use the toilet and forget the potty altogether! I think I'll retry the sticker reward scheme but maybe in a different way. :-/
      Luck is definitely needed ;-)

  5. We had the exact same issue. Just praise when he does it. I turned to no treats if you have an accident when it got really bad and it worked a treat (excuse the pun lol). A treat could be anything from raisins, strawberries or a little pack of sweets.

    1. Thanks Kellie! I made the decision that this week I'm aiming for him to use the toilet rather than the potty. Will reward him for doing so....I just find it frustrating that he adapted to the potty quickly but now he's picking up these habits with it.

  6. Maybe he is going to be an adrenalin junkie, and he's practicing for extreme ironing :)

    1. Lol Quite possibly Ashley. It's the only answer I have! ;-)
